Networks part 2: SAL elections
Network analysis of election supporters
Updated 6/11/24
- important - this uses an improved version of the network data, so some of the stats look a bit different from the original version.
- added interactive network graph
A very simple analysis which doesn’t differentiate proposers and signers. (You may recall from previous posts that profiles of the two forms of support can vary considerably, among both women and men.)
Degree distribution
Top ranked fellows and supporters
The network, interactively
- filtered out people who have only a single link, to make it more readable.
- the eight largest clusters are coloured
- zoom, drag, etc
- people with at least 5 connections have visible labels
- everyone has a tooltip on hover showing name, gender and their year range
- click on nodes to highlight connections (click again anywhere between nodes to reset)
- dropdown selection to focus on individuals’ networks