Summary of data essay pages
- All the dates data, with filters for categories
- Childbirth and other activities before and after
- Higher education and degrees timeline
- Something about residence and gaps in it [WIP]
- Networks around excavation; if there is enough data. [analysis WIP]
Other pages retained (for now) for reference.
Updated 12/8/24 to use Github Actions.
All the dates
- category filters
- Plot.axis to show label at both top and bottom is not working (cf education) and Idk why (lowish priority: not essential but desirable given that it's a tall chart, and for consistency between similar charts)
- add BM chart (needs to be componentized)
- custom d3 shapes? (esp for start/end pairs)
- better sharing code between the two tables
- examples of people with gaps: look at place data between those gaps, does it help explain absent residence data?
- make highlight connections on click work properly!!!!
- filters
- work out how to componentize the fkg thing?