SAL Elections Networks

Explore connections between FSA candidates, proposers and (personal) signers. Read alongside analyses at the other blog.

Where recorded in the wikibase, family relationships and educational teacher-student links are highlighted in the larger chart (NB there's only one teacher-student link and it doesn't show up in the default view):

The complete network contains 439 people (nodes) and 4468 pairs, which makes it very difficult to read. But many of those people appeared in only one election, so the link weight slider defaults to show only pairs with at least two links. This will effectively remove anyone who was only involved in one election as well as single co-occurrence pairs.

It's an association network: a connection is assumed when two people appear in the same election as candidate, proposer or signers. There might not be any direct connection between signers in particular. However, they are linked by knowing the candidate, and including them can help to tease out less visible connections. This is another reason to filter out pairs that co-occur only once; the more often a pair co-occur the more likely it is that there's a significant link between them.

(Also note that it's an "undirected" network, meaning that all links are treated as equal. I'd like to have made it a directed network that would better reflect the differences between relationships, but unfortunately my skill levels weren't quite up to that yet.)



hover/click can be a bit temperamental, but they do work!


Select names in the dropdown to see their personal links.